The world can be a dangerous place. Are you prepared?
Think of it this way: you have fire alarms, sprinklers, fire extinguishers, and fire drills. Yet fire rarely happens and your office has never burned down. Does your organization have a plan on how to deal with violence in the work place? Are your employees trained on how to determine if someone is a threat or preparing to become violent? Many organizations have plans that are only reactive, not proactive. Violence should be prepared for in the same manner as any other emergency and Astute Synthesis can help with that training.
The idea that you need to prepare for that type of danger can be frightening. In fact, it is so frightening that it can push some to ignore the issue entirely or only give very basic training to their employees on the matter. This can lead to negative outcomes, whether it is in the courtroom, emergency room, or court of public opinion. The organizational risk posed by failing to adequately train and prepare your employees makes either option undesirable.
Equally unfortunate is any training that frightens your employees into a state where they are no longer productive. Therefore it is essential to provide balanced instruction so your employees have the necessary tools to be safe while maintaining productivity. With over twenty years of law enforcement and corporate experience Astute Synthesis is uniquely suited to this task.
“The moments of the class must belong to the student—not the students, but to the very undivided student.
You don’t teach a class.
You teach a student.”
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